UCAIR is a statewide clean air partnership created to make it easier for individuals, businesses and communities to make small changes to improve Utah’s air. Every small change adds to a collective bigger step toward better health, a better economy and better overall quality of life for all of us.

What We Do

UCAIR is not an advocacy group, and by policy is prohibited from engaging in lobbying activities or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. UCAIR recognizes partner organizations may choose to engage in these activities. UCAIR intends to adhere to policy in this regard, separate and apart from any partnership agreement. UCAIR will endeavor to support the efforts of partners to extent that this support does not conflict with the policy under which it operates.


The first step to changing behavior is understanding, which is why UCAIR focuses on education — education about why Utah needs to improve its air quality and education about the feasible things you can do every day to help make a collective improvement.

Provide Grants

UCAIR doesn’t just ask people to make changes; it helps make changes possible. UCAIR’s Grants program rewards organizations with creative and innovative ideas combined with resourceful planning to reach measurable emissions reductions.


Utah has a strong framework of organizations that care about and take initiative to improve Utah’s air quality. UCAIR’s goal is to provide a table where these partners can come together, combine their talents and capabilities to coordinate messaging, share data and strengthen efforts statewide to improve air quality.

Invite Participation

While UCAIR works very closely with partner organizations, it also seeks to involve Utah residents across the state in its efforts to improve air quality, including crafting and implementing technical solutions for air quality issues.

Why We Do It

Commitments made by individuals to reduce emissions are a critical component of UCAIR’s success and are intended to supplement, not replace, existing regulatory measures. There is widespread agreement throughout the state that clean air is important to Utahns. Through education, awareness and resource support, UCAIR champions a basic principle: that by working together, people can make a difference. By making a commitment to contribute, even in a small way, to change actions and behaviors that contribute to air pollution, participants in the UCAIR partnership can help everyone in Utah breathe a little easier.

Utah’s Unique Geography and Weather Patterns Create Challenges

Air quality is a significant concern for Utah residents. The state’s topography and climate lead to episodic air pollution during the winter and summer months. Seasonal temperature inversions trap emissions that form particulate matter and ozone. Complex chemical processes create these harmful pollutants, which often rise to unhealthy levels, posing public health risks, economic consequences and decreased quality of life.

Some Utah Areas Don’t Meet EPA Standards for Air Quality

Areas along the Wasatch Front are designated nonattainment areas for fine particulate matter, or PM2.5, and ozone by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Substandard Air Quality Poses Health Risks

Pollution levels exceeding EPA health standards create health risks, particularly for children, older adults and people with respiratory problems.

Substandard Air Quality Hinders Economic Growth

Poor air quality hinders corporate relocation efforts and increases costs for businesses, including health care costs. Good air quality is essential to maintaining Utah’s quality of life.

Government Regulations Are Not Enough

Government agencies continue to regulate what they can to improve air quality but the majority of emissions in Utah come from sources that are difficult to regulate — vehicles, homes and small businesses. Reducing these emissions sources is dependent on small measures that individuals choose to take.


Lindsie Smith
Executive Director

Andrea Doubek
Communications & Development Manager

Mallory DiazVela
UCAIR Program & Grants Manager

Olivia Niitsuma
UCAIR Office Manager

Lydia Anderson
Program Coordinator

Mallory DiazVela
UCAIR Program & Grants Manager

UCAIR Board of Directors



UCAIR is guided by an Executive Director and Board of Directors made up of representatives from a broad spectrum of interests. This diverse Board includes the following individuals:  
Davis Bell, Canopy Tax, Inc., Chair 
Kristina Brown, Chevron, Chair Elect
Thomas Morgan, Zions Bank, Treasurer
Kim Shelley, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Secretary
Jon Cox, Utah Public Affairs
Sophia DiCaro, Governor’s Office of Budget and Planning
Cameron Diehl, Utah League of Cities & Towns
Jenny Esker Evans, Rio Tinto Kennecott
Stephanie Frohman,  Institute for Land, Air and Water
Jorgan S. Hofeling, Enbridge
Seth Lyman, PhD, Utah State University Bingham Research Center
For media inquiries contact Kylee Spjut – email or (801) 487-4800 or Andrea Doubek – email or (801) 536-4051.

Governing Documents

Non-Profit Documentation
UCAIR Bylaws
UCAIR Conflict of Interest Policy