April 2019 Partners Meeting

During our April 2019 UCAIR partners meeting we heard first, Shawna Cuan with the Governor’s Office of Energy Development gave a presentation on their efforts to reduce emissions through work place electric vehicle charging. We then turned the time over to Justin Smart from Penna Powers. He gave us report on the ShowUCAIR Winter Campaign, which wrapped up in February.

C-PACE Financing: How to Grow Business While Reducing Energy and Emissions – Shawna Cuan, Governor’s Office of Energy Development

Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy, more commonly known as C-PACE, is a new way to finance energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrade projects on commercial and industrial building retrofits and new construction. The C-PACE program is available statewide, but cities and counties must opt in to participate. There are currently 13 municipalities across Utah participating in the program. The types of projects financed by C-PACE help lower energy costs and reduce building emissions. Many types of buildings are eligible to receive C-PACE financing, including office buildings, retail spaces, hotels, multifamily housing, industrial structures and healthcare facilities. Some eligible improvement projects are energy efficiency and water conservation upgrades, renewable energy, battery storage, electric vehicle charging, parking automation, Office, retail, hotel, multifamily, industrial, healthcare, and non-profits. Some eligible improvements are energy efficiency and water conservation, renewable energy, battery storage, EV charging, parking automation, hybrid elevators or escalators and seismic upgrades.

The C-PACE financing for existing buildings does not mean large out of pocket costs for building owner. This program offers financing options with $0 down and up to 100% financing. Other financing options available through this program include voluntary, special assessment-based form of financing, long term financing (up to 30 years), no personal guarantee, payment obligation can transfer upon sale as the assessment remains with the property, and it can be combined with utility, tax and economic development incentives. Building owners work with the contractor to identify eligible energy improvements. The goal is to create energy savings that are greater than the C-PACE payments resulting in a positive cash flow. C-PACE financing for new construction is also available. This allows developers to construct more efficient buildings and results in lower operating costs for the future building owners or tenants. There are also benefits for the developer, including financing up to 20% of the total eligible construction cost when building performance exceeds the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) by 5%. There is no minimum or maximum amount for financing. Loan amounts will be determined by the assessed value of the property and any outstanding loans on the property. Go to the program website for more information about the application process and to register for classes.

Winter Campaign Final Report – Justin Smart, Penna Powers

The 2018-2019 winter campaign highlighted the specific behaviors of carpooling, not idling, and taking transit. Actions that are simple, convenient, cost effective, and will have ‘epic’ results. The campaign reached 99.6% of UCAIR’s target audience an average of 30.5 times between December 10, 2018 and February 24, 2019. Late last year, UCAIR’s homepage was redesigned to showcase on the “Effortlessly Epic” videos and serve as an educational anchor to the campaign. There was a 200% increase in website engagement and a 73% increase in video views on the website. Using the #ShowUCAIR in social media posts helped to unify and amplify UCAIR’s message. Overall, the campaign measured over 65 million impressions.

  • TV: 9,123,700
  • Outdoor (Billboards): 41,540,769
  • Online: 10570,332
  • Radio: 4,589,000

According to surveys conducted throughout the winter campaign and the post campaign survey conducted in March 2019, Utahns are becoming more educated. In 2018, 37% of respondents said that driving or vehicle emissions contributed the most to Utah’s air pollution, that number jumped to 43% in March 2019. The public is also stepping up to the plate when it comes to improving air quality. When asked who is responsible for fixing air quality issues, most respondents said the general public is responsible and that they’re willing to change their behavior. Of these respondents, 83% reported trip chaining and 72% reported eliminating trips, Additionally, survey results indicate a 4% increase in carpooling and a 4% increase in being idle free. UCAIR is also gaining recognition as a source of information on this issue. There was nearly a 50% increase in people going to the UCAIR website, rather than simply searching ‘air quality in Utah’.


Following the presentation, partners shared what projects and initiatives they are currently working on. These included:

Royal Delegge, Salt Lake County Health Dept. – On April 19th, the Salt Lake County Environmental Health Department Annual Sustainability Open House for grades K-5th will be held. There will be 1,000 kids coming through to learn about sustainability. Salt Lake County is moving forward to establish a sustainability department under the leadership of Mayor Jenny Wilson.

Andrea Himoff, Action Utah – During the legislative session they educated Utah residents about our political system. They also worked on resolutions for renewable energy in Utah and cleaner vehicle legislation. They will offer monthly tour and talks during the interim session, to teach people about advocacy.

Thom Carter, UCAIR – UCAIR just wrapped up Water Heater Rebate Program and was successful. UTA is in the process of evaluating bus services and want public feedback. You can weigh in online.

  • The Giant in Our City event on May 31st will be honoring Merit Medical’s Fred Lampropoulos.
  • Taxes are due April 15th, there is a section for voluntary contributions to the Clean Air Fund. This is the second year of a three-year pilot program. In order to become permanent donation option, the fund must collect $30,000 each year. Last year it did well, so please donate if you are able.
  • The ShowUCAIR Gas Can Exchange, sponsored by Boeing, Union Pacific and the Eccles Foundation, is April 13th.
  • The Clean Air Caucus is calling for proposals for air quality legislation. The first meeting is May 14th at 6:30 PM.
  • The Utah Economic Summit is at the Grand America Hotel on May 17th. There is a $25 promo code SLCHAMBER#UES19.
  • The Governor’s Energy Summit will be at the Grand America Hotel on May 30th. Use promo code ENERGY2019 for $25 off.

NEXT MEETING: May 10, 2019, 9:00-11:00 AM