The Reset of Summer Ozone
If you’re unfamiliar with the significance of summer ozone in Utah and its impact on our air, allow us to share a few key facts:
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If you’re unfamiliar with the significance of summer ozone in Utah and its impact on our air, allow us to share a few key facts:
Each July, Utah’s Clear the Air Challenge aims to improve the quality of Utah’s air. Getting involved is as easy as taking time to plan
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Our January Partner Meeting hosted a highly anticipated preview of the upcoming 2023 Legislative Session. We had a lineup of presentations from different sectors, including
If you’ve been paying attention to our Facebook and Instagram stories, you may have noticed that we didn’t have as many red air quality days
Women’s History Month offers the opportunity to highlight women and their contributions to Utah’s air quality – past and present. The history of air quality
Just because the temperature has dropped, doesn’t mean your air quality habits have to. You’re probably spending more time indoors. But doing your part for
For November’s partner meeting we heard from local leaders on their efforts to curb pollution: Utah Petroleum Association and Friends of Arches and Canyonlands National
In September we were joined by over forty UCAIR partners in-person at the Department of Environmental Quality. We first heard from Kerry Kelly, a professional