Twelve years ago, Utah started a competition that every Utahn could join. It was the ultimate way to unite our state to achieve better air quality. The Clear The Air Challenge was born and has been running every year since.
Cleaning up Utah’s air has been a journey, and The Clear The Air Challenge has been a pivotal event propelling that journey. The city of Salt Lake and supporting partners knew being proactive about the air quality in our state was essential and were able to secure a grant to launch what we know as The Clear The Air Challenge.
Over the last twelve years, The Clear The Air Challenge results show that our air improves during the challenge. In 2020 alone, CO2 was reduced by 476.4 tons. To find each year’s data and the difference it makes in our air, click here. There’s always room for more competitors to band together for Utah’s air.

To participate, click here and register. Once you are registered, you can join a team or compete individually. The user-friendly tracking system is right in your account and will help you track how many miles you save, the calories you burn, and, of course, the amount of CO2 you reduce. As you track your air clearing strategies, you’ll earn badges and a chance to win prizes.

If you want to get the most out of the challenge, our pro tip is to be familiar with TravelWise Utah.TravelWise Utah is a program specifically designed to help Utahns utilize public and active transportation. Using optimal strategies, TravelWise provides a program that aligns with The Clear The Air Challenge and helps competitors maximize their points.
We think 12 years makes The Clear The Air Challenge a Utah staple and something every Utahn should try. Accept the challenge and start now. Get registered and start tracking your TravelWise strategies to win.