Clear the Air Challenge

Each July, Utah’s Clear the Air Challenge aims to improve the quality of Utah’s air. Getting involved is as easy as taking time to plan to TravelWise by making small adjustments to your daily routine. Read on for more information about how you can get involved in clearing Utah’s air.

What is the Clear the Air Challenge?

Utah’s annual Clear the Air Challenge is an initiative that invites Utahns to make changes in their daily routines to improve Utah’s air quality, reduce congestion on roadways, and conserve energy. 

Goals of the challenge include eliminating 100,000 single occupant trips, saving 2 million miles traveled on Utah roads, and reducing 375 tons of Co2 emissions during July. The month of July often sees some of Utah’s poorest air quality days due to summertime ozone, so each individual who participates in the Clear the Air Challenge can help to achieve these goals.

What You Can Do

Participating in the Clear the Air Challenge is as easy as registering and making minor changes to your daily routine. One of the many strategies to clearing the air is rethinking your trips and choosing to TravelWise. Some TravelWise actions include carpooling, using public transportation, or combining multiple trips into one to reduce your time on the road.

You can get involved in clearing the air this year by walking or biking, or shifting to remote work for a day or two every week throughout the Challenge. Small changes add up! When members of communities across Utah incorporate adjustments like these into their daily routines, we can reach our goal of clean air all year long.

To register for the challenge and to take action, visit https://cleartheairchallenge.org/.